18 May 2014

Wellington 3: Adonis, Perseus... and Hermes

AUTHOR'S NOTE::  Mythological names won the poll! Apparently, Sierra's Fertility Treatment LTR worked a little too well... o.O she had triplets, and they are all boys. This should be exciting. LOL. Before we start the chapter, here's some baby stats in detail, plus pictures of them all.

ADONIS Jeremiah Wellington
Baby #1 (Male)
Adonis is the Greek god of Fertility. The name also has connotations to "lord," and "masculine gorgeousness."
Personality Traits:: Evil, Eccentric
Favorites:: Roots Music, Spaghetti, Blue
Genetics:: Adonis inherited Sierra's hair color and eyes
First Word:: Baseball

PERSEUS Isaiah Wellington
Baby #2 (Male)
Perseus is a Greek demigod who beheaded Medusa. He is a son of Zeus.
Personality Traits:: Hates the Outdoors, Insane
Favorites:: Latin Music, Vegetarian Lobster Thermador, Spice Brown
Genetics:: Perseus inherited Thomas' hair color, and Sierra's eye color
First Word:: Nachos

HERMES Adrian Wellington
Baby #3 (Male)
Hermes is the Greek god of many things, including travel, writing, thievery, athletics. He is also known as the messenger god.
Personality Traits:: Light Sleeper, Easily Impressed
Favorites:: Soul Music, Hot Dogs, Lime
Genetics:: Hermes inherited Sierra's hair color. Hermes' eyes are a mix of Sierra's and Thomas.' They are a more intense shade of blue than Sierra's, which comes from the saturation in Thomas' eyes.
First Word:: Cloud

An extra picture of all of them showcasing their personalities... XD

And now... on with the chapter... ~ LateKnightSimmer ~

To say that Thomas didn't help me with the boys would be the understatement of the century. That isn't to say he completely ignored them, but he did the bare minimum when it came to them, and I mean that literally. I had thought he was happy with the news we were going to become parents, and he might have been, given his reaction wasn't one of disgust or anger, but he wasn't an involved parent. Thomas would feed the babies, and help me change diapers, but not after I had already been in their room for half an hour doing things myself. He also seemed to always want them in their cribs, even if they weren't tired. I'd gotten him his own baby monitor to put in the guest room, so I know he heard when they cried. When I asked him why he hadn't gotten there sooner, he'd make up some stupid excuse like he was hungry and had to eat first. Selfish bastard.

I felt like maybe I was a little hard on Thomas, because he did do way more than I expected he ever would, but at the same time, I guess I just had a little too much hope that he would change his ways. Thomas is a gifted musician, so a lot of times, piano or bass music will meander through the house, and I can't argue that it isn't pleasant, but Thomas is always using one of those damn instruments to ignore his children. He also bought a guitar the other day, so now there's one more thing he can use to distract himself. I suppose being able to count on him to at least make sure none of our children will die is all I can ask for of him. I knew he didn't expect us to be having three children at once, neither did I, and I feel like that's taking a large toll on him.

"WAAAAHH! Mommy!!!"

I rolled my eyes when I heard Hermes cry out for me yet again. He was constantly getting picked on by Adonis, and I couldn't for the life of me figure out why his brother seemed to hate him so much. Adonis used to pick on Perseus too, but Perseus just flung it right back at him, standing up for himself much more than Hermes ever would. At this point, Adonis and Perseus were getting along, probably because Adonis respected Perseus somewhat for not taking his bullying. I went over and picked up Hermes, cradling him in my arms to get him to stop crying.

"What happened now, Hermes?"

"Adonis yelled in my ear! It hurts!"

"Adonis Jeremiah! Get your little butt over here!"

Adonis was a manipulative little guy as well. Any time he was in trouble, he would always come immediately when I called, and put on a sweet face, pretending he didn't do anything wrong. Today was no different. Adonis stood in front of me, smiling, with his hands properly placed in front of him, his left hand grabbing his right wrist.

"Yes, Ma?"

"Please apologize to Hermes for yelling at him."

"I didn't do that for no reason. Hermes tried to take my toy away."

Hermes squirmed in my arms, furiously shaking his head no, that Adonis was lying.


Adonis rolled his eyes after he'd been caught in his lie, and became smug. He changed his stance immediately, putting his hands into little fists and screaming.

"Ugh, FINE! Sorry, Hermes! You whiny little butthead!"


My yelling did no good, as Adonis just ran away into the other room to play with a toy. I shook my head, and tousled Hermes' hair, hugging him again.

"It's ok, baby, I know you didn't take his toy. You didn't, right?"

"No, Mommy, no."

"All right, you think you'll be okay now?"

Hermes nodded, and I tossed him in the air, then put him down, letting the boys do as they pleased. I had bought a bunk bed for later when they grew up, but I used it as a refuge for myself as well, so I could sit in there and watch them. With all three of them running around, it was like I had to constantly be there unless they were sleeping, separated from each other so they couldn't bicker. It was a little annoying, but I had taken to reading a lot so I could still do something for myself despite having three kids arrive all at the same time. I felt like I was somewhat of a single parent since Thomas was for the most part, useless. I was grateful for my trust fund that my parents had let me have when I was eighteen, to do as I pleased, as long as I eventually married Thomas. I didn't really care that we were matched together, and I spent two years traveling around Europe before coming back and getting married to him.

I had gotten a call from Madison van Watson, a blonde woman whom I was very attracted to. I was glad for it, because even though I had been on the second floor playing my guitar I just bought, I really wanted an excuse to get out of the house and away from all the crying. I loved my children, but I didn't expect three of them all at once, and it was overwhelming. I needed a little fun in my life. I certainly didn't want to fuck Sierra again. She was fine, still hot since she was obsessed with her body and she'd never let herself go, but she's not that exciting, plus she doesn't have any time anyway because of the boys.

I met Madison outside her apartment building, and she let me park my car in her garage to avoid suspicion, not that I thought Sierra would give a shit, since she knew I cheated on her regularly. Madison's warm breath on my cheek was so hot, and I was getting very aroused. I slipped my hand under her very short mini skirt, enjoying the feel of her sensitive skin on my hand, loving that she was wearing a thong.

"Oh, Thomas."

Madison moaned my name in my ear, and I knew it was time for us to move our tryst inside. She kissed me roughly and massaged my scalp with her hand. I loved the feel of her fingernails against my head, it was so sexy. Something else I liked about seeing Madison is that she didn't expect anything out of what we had. She was satisfied with just being physical with me. I loved just using her as a release for when I was frustrated because she was always willing. I didn't know much about her, I didn't even know if she had a boyfriend or a husband, and frankly, I didn't really care.


  1. triple the trouble and i can see military school for adonis in the near future if he doesn't get his little act together. well, i should have known thomas woudn't be well behaved for long.

    1. Ugh, I know right? The triplets are just... LOL. There's so many little Sims crawling around everywhere. o.O I have been having fun coming up with their personalities based on the traits that got rolled, and having three of them to write about makes it a lot easier than just writing about one of them. Somehow you'd think it would be more difficult, but I think having some of the boys clash while others get along is actually helping.

      Haha, Adonis just needs more discipline than his brothers because he's a little more fiery than the other two. LOL, Thomas has always been a jerk like that, and he did think that having a child with Sierra would be good, but he was thinking one, not three. When Sierra had three, Thomas got a little pissed and rebelled with Madison.

  2. lrhfeiusbgvsklkno,e,hrt Knew it. Triplets are so cute! Just a little troublesome. Hermes is quite the crybaby eh? I like Perseus the most. So adorable. I want to squish them. But I don't want to squish Adonis. He'll probably pull my hair...

    1. Hahaha, Thomas is a jerk-face. Having a kid, or three, wasn't going to change that. Actually, having three caused him to go to his mistress even faster because it's overwhelming for him. Not saying he's justified because he's totally not, but that was his reasoning.

      The boys are cute, but boys will be boys. LOL, Hermes is a little more sensitive than his brothers, so his feelings get hurt quicker. Perseus is the odd one out looks wise because he got the dirty blonde hair, aww. XD Hahaha, yeah, it's fair to think Adonis would most likely pull your hair.

  3. Thomas is a jerk. Your wife had triplets, you're kinda expected to do more then the bare minimum and not cheat with whatever blonde whore calls in the middle of the night. *Sighs*

    The triplets are so cute! Hermes reminds me of Armand (appearance wise) from your legacy; they have similar hair and eye colors. I can't imagine having twins the first time around; it must be difficult for Sierra, especially with her husband being a bit... well, not there.

    1. *triplets, sorry mistyped

    2. LOL, Thomas is still an asshole. XD
      He was happy about the news of a child, but when three came out, he got overwhelmed, and upset because it wasn't what he wanted. That of course, shouldn't matter, but Thomas, being the asshole that he is, decided he needed some "me" time. XD

      IKR? Ugh, I didn't expect Sierra's hair to look so much like Patrick's hair, since Sierra's is red with pink highlights, and Patrick's is black with hot pink highlights, but apparently, haha, it's similar. One of the triplets even tried to steal Armand's haircut before I made him over in CAS, and I was like uh uh don't you dare, that hair is for Armand! LOL.

      I totally didn't expect her to have triplets I was like omfg. LOL, it's my first time playing triplets in the game too and wow is it nuts. XD Thomas seriously is such a wierdo in the game, he'll go in and attend to one of the babies, then decide to go look at himself in the mirror instead of attending to anyone else. *slaps* LOL.

  4. The triplets are too stinkin' cute! Watch out for that massage table. It increases your sim's fertility just like the LTW does (or watching kids' TV or listening to kids' music). You'd probably increase your chance of triplets, but I wonder if you could get quads that way, too. *shudders*

    Looks like Thomas is back to acting like a dick again. Can't be bothered taking care of his own kids and still out on the prowl. Handling twins alone is tough. Triplets? That's a one-way ticket to crazy town. :P

    1. IKR? I love them! Omg, thanks so much for telling me about the massage table! You're a life saver. Haha. I had no idea. O_O I don't let Sierra listen to kids music or watch kids tv since she's already got the Fertility Treatment. *shudders with* Quads would just... oh the crying. LOL.

      Thomas is a jerk, he thinks just because he got overwhelmed that it's an excuse to leave Sierra with the boys and not help her. *rolls eyes* At least Sierra is stepping up to the plate and taking the responsibility. Those poor boys would have had social services called on them so fast if Sierra had decided not to be a good parent as well. O_O

  5. Hahaha! Love their different personalities! Adonis is a little stinker! :D

    Yeah, Thomas' change in behavior seemed a little too good to be true. Although, having three at once would be stressful on anyone and could cause marital issues. How nice for him that he gets to have fun while Sierra is taking care of the triplets. *rolls eyes*

    1. Hahaha, Adonis is my favorite, LOL. They're all so funny. XD

      LOL, Thomas is now making excuses because he's an asshole. He did think a kid would be fun, but he was thinking one. Of course, that's ridiculous and he shouldn't be ignoring them all just because there wasn't the right number of kids... cause that's dumb, but no one said Thomas was smart. ROFL. Yeah... poor Sierra has to take care of all of them all by herself. *sigh* XD

  6. Angels and demons all in one cute package = toddlers. :)

    /sigh. She needs to hire a nanny. It's great they love their kids, but damn.
    And.... Thomas is back at it again. >:|

    1. LOL very well put, especially when she has three. O_O

      Haha, no nannies for her. I got Sierra to do all the training herself, and she done good. LOL.
      Yeah, Thomas couldn't man up for even a little while. :/

  7. Damn...Three screaming babies + a husband playing instruments = a hot mess lol.

    Hermes is so adorable, and the sibling rivalry between him and Adonis was pretty cute.

    Madison? Umm wow, yeah...She should really get some higher standards for herself. I mean seriously...Opening your legs up for a guy any time he wants it? The guy is loaded for Christ sakes at least make him buy you some shit or take you out to fancy places...Hell, he can even pay her bills...At least make him do something for you! Don't just give it up all the damn time...Nothing in life is free, and I'm not saying she should become a prostitute or something but damn...Be smart.

    Thomas really should worry about his kids instead of Madison and what's between her legs. Lol.

    1. Yeah, I was certainly not expecting triplets on Sierra's first time out. O_O In game, Thomas just kept playing instruments, it was like his SIm was trying to drown out the noises of crying or something. LOL.

      Aww thanks, I'm glad you liked the little kiddy fight I put in there.

      Madison is young and dumb. She is pretty much prostituting herself with her actions, the only difference is she isn't asking Thomas to pay her. LOL. She was a townie that called Thomas for a date, so I figured she couldn't be that bright. ROFL. I did give her a makeover.

      LOL, Thomas is being mean and rude. When three babies arrived at the same time, he wussed out and ran away. *rolls eyes*
