04 October 2014


I'm still here. I had some bad days that affected my writing processes for all my stories. I'm also in transition between generations on Echoes of Eternity, so that blog has been getting my attention as of late. Those bad days also affected Echoes, but it hit my two other stories as well. I don't normally apologize for a million things simply because it's my stories, so I can update as often or as little as I want, and I've never had a schedule for any of my posts. I don't want to limit myself or put pressure on myself with my writing because writing is what I do for fun, and if I turn it into a job, I will end up hating it.

This time however, I do feel a little bad for the neglect I've had towards the Zenteri Reboot. I am writing this to say I am still here, and apologies for neglecting this story for so long.

Thanks for your patience and continued support.



  1. *sends hug through the interwebs* I'm sorry, I hope your bad days have gotten better! Don't worry about your stories; you're right, they're just for fun and they're your stories, you can decide when to update and when you need to focus on real life, the readers will understand and support you. :)

    1. Thank you for the hugs and the well wishes. :)
      I appreciate your continued support. XD
